Newly Weds Embarking on Their Journey to Their Summit

Guarding Your Union: Why Newlyweds Must Protect Their Marriage from External Forces

August 20, 20244 min read

Marriage is like planting a delicate seedling in a bustling world—it's beautiful, full of potential, but also vulnerable to the elements. As newlyweds, you're stepping into this exciting new chapter with high hopes and dreams, but it's crucial to remember that the world around you can sometimes be more storm than sunshine. From well-meaning friends to societal pressures, countless external factors can cause division in your marriage.

To build a strong, lasting union, you must be intentional about your relationship, turning inward to each other and prioritizing your marriage above all else. In this blog, we’ll explore the external forces that can strain your bond and why protecting your marriage must be your top priority.

1. The Subtle Intruders: How External Relationships Can Erode Your Bond

Your friends and family mean well, but sometimes their influence can subtly intrude on your marriage. It’s natural to seek advice or lean on loved ones during tough times, but it’s important to remember that your marriage is its own entity, separate from those relationships.

When outside opinions start to shape your decisions or when your focus shifts from your partner to maintaining these external ties, your marriage can begin to weaken. That’s why it's essential to create boundaries—clear lines that protect your marriage from becoming overrun by outside voices.

Practical Tip: Make it a point to discuss and agree on boundaries together. Decide how much influence you’re comfortable allowing from outside relationships, and always communicate openly with each other about any concerns.

2. The Comparison Trap: Why Other Couples Aren't Your Blueprint

In today’s world, social media has made it easier than ever to fall into the comparison trap. You might find yourself looking at other couples and wondering if your marriage measures up—whether it’s the lavish vacations, grand gestures, or seemingly perfect harmony.

But remember, what you see online is a curated version of reality, not the whole picture. Every marriage is unique, with its own set of challenges and triumphs. By focusing on your relationship, rather than measuring it against others, you can build something truly special and authentic.

Statistic: Studies show that frequent social media use is linked to increased feelings of inadequacy and jealousy, which can strain relationships. Instead of comparing, focus on nurturing what you have.

3. The Financial Strain: Money Matters, But It Shouldn’t Define Your Marriage

Money is one of the leading causes of stress in marriage, and it’s easy to see why. Whether it’s managing debt, differing spending habits, or the pressure to maintain a certain lifestyle, financial issues can quickly become a source of division.

But it’s crucial to remember that while money matters, it should not define your marriage. Your relationship is built on love, trust, and mutual respect—not the numbers in your bank account. By being intentional about communication and financial planning, you can prevent money from driving a wedge between you.

Practical Tip: Schedule regular financial check-ins with your partner. Discuss your goals, concerns, and plans openly, and work together to create a budget that reflects your shared priorities.

4. The Career Conundrum: Balancing Ambition with Your Relationship

In today’s fast-paced world, career demands can often take precedence over personal relationships. Long hours, stress, and the drive to succeed can sometimes leave little room for nurturing your marriage.

While ambition and professional growth are important, they shouldn’t come at the expense of your relationship. It’s vital to be intentional about balancing your career with your marriage, ensuring that your partnership remains a top priority, even as you pursue your professional goals.

Quote: As Michelle Obama wisely said, “You can have it all. Just not all at once.” Balance is key in keeping both your career and your marriage thriving.

5. The Influence of Society: Guarding Your Marriage Against Unrealistic Expectations

Society often places unrealistic expectations on marriage—expectations that can create unnecessary pressure and strain. From the idea of the perfect spouse to the notion of a fairytale romance, these societal norms can cause disappointment when reality doesn’t match up.

To protect your marriage, it’s important to reject these unrealistic expectations and focus on the reality of your relationship. Every marriage has its ups and downs, and that’s okay. By staying grounded and turning inward, you can build a partnership that’s resilient, authentic, and uniquely yours.

Statistic: A study by the American Psychological Association found that couples who set realistic expectations are more likely to have lasting, fulfilling marriages. Keep your focus on what truly matters—your love and commitment to each other.

Conclusion: Turn Inward, Stay Strong

In a world full of distractions, pressures, and influences, your marriage is your sanctuary—a place where love, trust, and mutual respect should always come first. By being intentional, setting boundaries, and turning inward to each other, you can safeguard your relationship against the many external forces that seek to divide.

Remember, marriage is a journey, not a destination. It requires ongoing effort, communication, and a deep commitment to prioritize your relationship above all else. So, nurture your bond, protect your union, and cherish the love you’ve built—because in the end, it’s the two of you against the world, and together, you can weather any storm.


Anke is a passionate DNA True North Purpose Coach. Unlock your full potential and reach your summit.

Anke Mostert

Anke is a passionate DNA True North Purpose Coach. Unlock your full potential and reach your summit.

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